Putting wind in the sails of Prague

During the autumn of 2022, the general public had a chance to participate in finalisation of final design of Vltava Philharmonic Hall.

From 17th to 26th October, it was possible to visit our participation container located on Strossmayerovo náměstí, where visitors could ask questions about the design and participate in its finalisation – by filling out a survey and through other activities.

In addition to the container, the public also had the opportunity to meet the authors of the design and join the discussion: How will the Vltava Philharmonic Hall change Prague?

You can find the recording of the event here: https://vimeo.com/event/2546182

It was also possible to fill out the survey in paper or online version.

You can find the report from the survey here.


Sociological Survey – Summary Published 27. 10. 2021 PDF Download
Participation – Summary Published 27. 10. 2021 PDF Download